Southern Vales Christian College

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Happiness and Safety Are Keys to Student Success

Studies confirm anti-bullying policies result in students enjoying school and achieving academic success

Bullying and feelings of depression and unhappiness can affect a child’s performance at school. It makes sense that, if one is unhappy, grades tend to suffer. Studies such as the UCLA study published by the Journal of Early Adolescence found … 

“… students who are repeatedly bullied receive poorer grades and participate less in class discussions… students may get mislabeled as low achievers because they do not want to speak up in class for fear of getting bullied”.

Reuters Health online also featured results of studies on bullying quoting …

(Reuters Health) - Not only does bullying at school affect students’ emotional and social lives, it also directly affects their schoolwork and engagement in the classroom, suggests a U.S. study.

While  A report by Victoria Jones at the Harvard Graduate School of Education stated...

“Students often reported that happiness, or positive feelings like enjoyment or fun, promotes learning.  They cited many reasons for their positive feelings, including feeling safe and comfortable at school and having secure relationships with their teachers and their peers.”

Southern Vales Christian College is a school that takes bullying extremely seriously. With a zero tolerance to bullying, students feel safe and happy and parents enjoy knowing their child can learn to the best of their ability in a safe and caring environment. One of the schools’ campus leaders confirmed that should any bullying be reported it is immediately followed up by staff so as to ensure the safety and health of all involved. Thankfully bullying is almost non-existent as the school encourages a culture that results in caring for each and every student.